Do supertweeters matter when we cant hear past 15,000 hz?

So I have read that studies of the brain have shown that frequencies above audible are still somehow processed and generate a sense of ease, well being when associated with musical playback. As in somehow the range far above hearing is stimulating a  part of our brain, (or god knows what nuerons) that associates with a natural pleasing sound. Anybody read of this phenomenom? I see some of these supertweters extending to ridiculous highs and wonder if they do this just becauser the design allows for it or are they trying to market this broad range as somehow better. I know I cant hear above 15khz and i doubt most men here above 40 can either. I know a supertweeter helps with the audible high end but what gives with promoting a range to 65kz?

Showing 1 response by terry9

Sorry to be late to the party Veroman, but better than never?

While I think that just about everything already said is true, there is another aspect to consider: the crossover.

As Ralph (atmasphere) points out, rolloff causes phase shift, which is very bad. More generally, all RLC or variant circuits cause phase shift. All analogue filters consist of RLC circuits. All crossovers, whether in the speaker or in an analogue "electronic" crossover, use filters, and so cause phase shift. Hence all analogue crossovers cause phase shift.

If you are limiting the super tweeter (to protect it from higher energy low frequencies) with an analogue high pass filter, it too will cause a phase shift. That is one important reason why full range ESL's sound different from any other speakers - they have no crossovers.

Hence super tweeters might sound better to some people in some systems, but the benefit comes at the cost of phase shift. I suspect that the most bang for the buck is in quality caps and resistors and inductors in the crossovers; that is, if you don't spring for ESL's. YMMD