Do speaker wires have to be the same length for each speaker?

Hi, Help, Do speaker wires have to be the same length for each speaker, R & L?


Showing 1 response by bkrpdx

For a given material, resistance and length formula clearly speaks that the resistance is directly proportional to its length.
Which implies that-

When the length of the material is increased, its value of resistance also increases.
When the length of the material decreases, its value of resistance will also decrease.

"Relation Between Resistance And Length - At BYJU’S"

It make not make much of a difference at the lengths we are talking about, but different length cables will have different resistance.

As P=I *V (power equals current times voltage) and I  = V/R, P=V^2 / R, the more resistance, the less power. So different lengths will make a difference. It may not be noticeable, but different it is.