Do military/industrial tubes sound better than regular ones ?

Or they are usually just more rugged and longer lasting? I am particularly interested in 12AX7 and 12AU7 RCA blackplates from early and late 50s.

They are often double the price, but that would not be my main concern in this case because even regular ones should last for a very long time.

In other words, I would like to have best sounding RCA blackplates in my VAC Avatar SE, and longer lasting would be a bonus.


Ralph, I see. This makes it complicated, doesn’t it ? You just have to try, no general answer really.

@inna Exactly.

I just finished burning in new 12AU7 RCA black plates from early 50s to compare them to the RCA black plates from late 50s that I had installed. Both sets are matched.

Earlier RCAs do sound better !

They have a slightly higher resolution, more depth and charm. Fascinating.

Give Brent Jesse a call 847 496 4546, he's the best "font of information" on NOS tubes. I will also add that in my preferred tubes are usually medical/broadcast/military......not always, but usually. The fact that those types of tubes are supposed to last longer does not hurt

I do buy tubes from Brent of Audio Tubes. From Tube Depot too, though their prices are high and choice is limited.

Medical/military/industrial must be more durable, reliable and longer lasting. They usually cost two/three times more, and as a collective expert opinion was expressed here - they might or might not sound better, could even sometimes sound worse.


Military/industrial grade NOS EL34 tubes would be very helpful, indeed. Do they exist ?