You have gotten quite a few measured responses regarding power cables, which I think is great. Too often these types of threads devolve to the cables do/don't make any difference and "anyone who thinks that they make a difference is deluded." I am firmly in the "everything makes a difference" camp, and in my system cables definitely do make a difference. You first have to understand that when most people say that something "makes a difference" or "improves the sound quality," they are talking about incremental differences, not "my system sucked and now its great."
In my system, I first tried an Audience Power Chord on my Plinius amp at the time. I immediately noticed better bass. I realized then that there was something to this PC thing to my surprise. An excellent PC BTW. Over the years I upgraded my system and now I have all Shunyata Sigma power cables, speaker cables and a Shunyata Everest power conditioner.
First, the Shunyata power cables are simply excellent. You can get a pair of Alpha's used at "reasonable" prices. I found that upgrading the power cable from stock on my ARC REF 6 preamp was a surprisingly good improvement. The Shunyata over the Pass stock cable was also a decent but not as great improvement. I found the power cable on my MSB DAC over stock made a minor improvement -- the least of the three. And bringing up the rear, putting a new power cable on my REL s/510 was a complete waste of money. No audible difference at all (to me). So yes, I think that good power cables will improve the sound of your system.
But the biggest surprise to me was when I decided to stop reading all of the hype about power conditioners and bought a Shunyata Everest with a Sigma power cable. That literally brought my system to a new level of soundstage, clarity, and dynamics. The improvement was not small. Again, not a new system, but it really refined it. I have my Pass 250.8 plugged into one of the Everest's high current outlets and it sings. The Everest HC outlasts are designed to handle power amps. I am very very happy with my Everest. Highly recommended!