Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....

Things like the CT-7000 from Yamaha, other Marantz, Magnum, Fisher, Scott or any others.  It would be good for us "tuner people" to hear your experience with older, former SOTA tuners.  Thanks. 

Showing 1 response by grinnell

I love radio, have a Mac MR71, 67, 74.  The 71 and 67 sound the best but with the hassle of finding someone to do repair work on them i ended up with an alternative. And I live in an area (Northern Colorado) that has at least 7-8 very good stations

I bought a new CDP with dac-Emotiva ERC4, with a schitt etr spdif i am now streaming radio as well as itunes. The Emotiva has a very rich full sound, not as fantastic as the MR71 but close. May not go back to a tuner except for my cabin in the mountains with no internet.