Do any of you kids , want your system ???


I’ve experienced a buy/sell of my giant speakers

anyway, As we are an older Demographic 

2 questions: 

1) if you go to audiophile Heaven,  do any of your kids want your Hifi ?
    I asked that , over Christmas, and caught a defeating silence and laugh “ no” frickin way
    Way to big !!!  And lots of laughs over the conversation 
2) when that time comes , How does anybody get rid of all the Hifi stuff ?         Does the spouse?   Cuss you out and sell for $5 a garage sale ?   My guess; it’s a lot of work to sell correctly ?   My wife answer was enlightening!!!
It’s an ugly/funny question , But I’m really wondering how it happens

Hifi geek 


Showing 1 response by ozzy62

There was a member here (blcube) who was a good friend of mine. He had a very nice system and a huge vinyl jazz collection. He passed away a few years ago and I offered to help his wife liquidate the system. I was willing to do all the leg work and post all the ads and make sure she got a fair price. At first she seemed appreciative, but later just disappeared. I called her once more and she just didn’t seem interested in doing anything so I left her alone.

To this day I don’t know what happened to his system or his records. I am pretty sure no one in his family wanted any of it. I think it’s best to have a plan with your significant other in case the worst happens and they are left with no clue about what to do.
