Good day all


 Looking for some feedback if anyone has any experience with this site from Indonesia

They seem to have a legit website and some very reasonable prices as I have been researching the Benchmark AHB2 Amp, when I came across this site
I'm always cautious about sites like this but doing a search here in the forums did not reveal anything either

Thanks for any input



OK  Benchmark AHB2 brand new at 50% off  Coming from Indonesia when it's built in New York? 


Either they don't have any and are just trying to get your info to sell you something else, or they're a complete scam.

Thanks Roxy54


I agree, which is why I posed the question, as I was just looking for other experiences people may have had



Why , Just check some of the prices of the equipment they have

In particular as I mentioned specifically the Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier is much less than any other site I have seen which would even include the couple hundred bucks for shipping

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