Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll

A discussion elsewhere about the future of Class A made me wonder how true one statement really is. So the questions are...

Have you done away with your Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you be moving away from Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you never buy a Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

I only have a class A/B unit that does Class A up to 6 watts with almost no heat so really can't speak for those who have used in the past or currently own and run Class A Amps.


Showing 2 responses by tweak1

I may have already commented about the Voyager GaN 350 amp. I just one FS on USAudioMart at a terrific price. He's in IN


WOW. Hard to imagine that people thinking they could find anything at twice the MSRP to be better, although, W4S has been beta testing a new kind of GaN amp that eliminates the dac. I haven't found anything about it, but...