Distortion using OPPO 103 w Streaming and CD's, but not with DVD playback

Hoping someone can give some advice before I tear the rack apart.

Have an OPPO 103 for CD/DVD and streaming from Tidal.  Have owned the unit for years and happy with it.  I really liked the fact that it not only played disks but also had the associated app that allows me to stream from Tidal.

I hadn't streamed for quite a while and when I streamed today there was tremendous distortion (unlistenable), playing a CD seems to also be distorted, but not as bad, playing a DVD doesn't seem to have no distortion at all.

All connections are RCA / Single ended. 

There is one new variable and that is the introduction of a Schiit Freya preamp.

However, vinyl sounds great through the Freya and as I said above DVD playback seems perfectly fine.

So if someone has trouble shooting ideas before I start tearing down the rack and rearranging things I would love to hear them.

Seems weird that some functions sound fine and others are a mess and I would think that a bad wire, connection or even EMF would effect all of the playback media the same way.

Thanks in advance.



Showing 3 responses by jafant



Good to read that the CD(s) play without issue. Streaming is a whole different set of issues. Keep me posted as you figure out all facets of Playback.


Happy Listening!



After you sort out the Gear, double check the playback settings in the Oppo.

Sometimes, these machines will go back to a "default" setting vs. "custom"


Happy Listening!



Yes- check all connections plus speakers. Your assumptions are correct,  a bad wire, connection or EMF (streaming).


Happy Listening!