Disappointing On Mcintosh......help

 3 Months ago  I went to NYC and stopped by the WOM  and auditioned several MCintosh gear...........and left a bit disappointed or not impressed...then I told myself   " lets give a second shot"  and went today to a  HIFI store and again Good room accoustics10K speakers , MC Preamp , MC Amplifier........ and again  the same disappointment I felt 3 month earlier.

Is that the "warm" sound people reffer to about Mcintosh?  
The sound is ample, base is powerfull  but the the sound is simply  not to clear, the hights are not too "crisp"  It sounds like the treble is set at 3 and needs to be adjusted at 9 or 10.
It seems like  the sound is  coming through a thin layer of paper ...that is the way I describe that sound.  

Then 20 minutes later I auditioned a Parasound A21+ and a JC5 and the sound was more clear and the highs were crispier

Whats your take on my experience?  or That is the MC "warm sound? 

Showing 4 responses by rsf507

@djcxxx have to agree but I'd go one step further and say MAC is uninvolving to my ears, just not musical IMHO. 
Personally I've never been impressed with mac gear you either love it or hate it. Friends own the 452 amp and it has never impressed YMMV
@lowtubes I agree you should buy from a reputable hifi manufacturing co but NOT for future resale value. Who knows what the future holds.
@jordi couldn't agree with you more. I've heard it in 3-4 stores and in friends homes and ALWAYS a sterile uninvolving sound. Gear looks great and a nice talking point but that's it. Again IMHO.