mgrif104: could have been pre broken in. Break in is real.
Think of recharable battery memory as another variant. You have electrons ;moving around a system. Electrons are the basis of chemical reactions, so by using electricity there is going to subtle chemical changes to your wires.
From my own experiments (the benefit of having more than one good system in my house), once you break in a cable, remove it, then place it on the exact same system, it tends to stay broken in. Change the cable to another system, you need to go through the break in process from close to squrre one, but it never seems to go back to the point that a brand new cable goes to.
I have a hypothesis on this. No cable's metal is free of impurities. Talking to cable manufacturers, control of impurities is very important for consistancy and final quality of audio cables. There may be some subtle chemical reactions going on between the metal and the components. You could see how inductance, discussed in my previous post, would change and the interaction between contaminates, the metal component, and also other metals if the cable is a hybrid of say, copper and silver.
There will always be directionality in a wire. That is the nature of packing on an extruded wire. It may be very slight in the case of the wires that you are using. So slight that it isn't material on your particular setup.
I really enjoyed your comment.