Dirac without losing resolution

I currently have a dac (topping dx9) that is fed by my pc via usb.  I mainly just use tidal.  The dac is connected into an old sony qualia 007 that I just use the built in amp.  That is connected to a pair of audiomachina UM.  I also have a rel #31 sub.

The room is far from ideal with that setup. 12x12 by 10' high ceiling.

I wanted to explore dirac for some room correction.

the issue is that I can't seem to find a way to avoid limiting the resolution to 24/192 or even lower with most dirac endpoints.

They mention that you should put the dirac endpoint (something like one of the minidsp products) between the streamer and the dac.

I was planning on getting a hifirose 130 streamer (in place of the pc).

both the rs130 and dx9 can support up to 768pcm and 512dsd.

I was trying to see if there was a way to place the dirac endpoint on the output of the dx9 dac but not sure if any of the dirac endpoints accept an analog input and then be able to process the signal for the room correction.


Showing 3 responses by mike_in_nc

Dirac needs to work in the digital domain . . . that’s why it’s called DSP (digital signal processing). That kind of processing is not feasible in the analog domain. Until recently, processing typically was done at 48 kHz or 96 kHz, so 192 kHz is current state of the art.

Some DSP devices can be fed with an analog signal; however, it is converted to digital before processing and then re-converted back. So I would not advise doing DAC before Dirac, as you’d be adding a DAC-ADC cycle to the signal processing. In my experience, the fewer conversions, the better.

@jpmomo - If you do try the Trinnov, I for one would be interested in your impressions of sound quality and ease of use.

Yeah, it's best to minimize the number of sequential ADC and DAC steps. At least, that's what my ears tell me.

On the other hand, if crossovers are done in the digital domain so there's only one conversion, a separate DAC is needed for each channel (mains and subs), meaning a multichannel DAC is a necessity. They are built into products like the miniDSP SHD, NAD M66, Anthem STR, and so on, but when doing it building-block style, that's a consideration.