Dirac without losing resolution

I currently have a dac (topping dx9) that is fed by my pc via usb.  I mainly just use tidal.  The dac is connected into an old sony qualia 007 that I just use the built in amp.  That is connected to a pair of audiomachina UM.  I also have a rel #31 sub.

The room is far from ideal with that setup. 12x12 by 10' high ceiling.

I wanted to explore dirac for some room correction.

the issue is that I can't seem to find a way to avoid limiting the resolution to 24/192 or even lower with most dirac endpoints.

They mention that you should put the dirac endpoint (something like one of the minidsp products) between the streamer and the dac.

I was planning on getting a hifirose 130 streamer (in place of the pc).

both the rs130 and dx9 can support up to 768pcm and 512dsd.

I was trying to see if there was a way to place the dirac endpoint on the output of the dx9 dac but not sure if any of the dirac endpoints accept an analog input and then be able to process the signal for the room correction.


Showing 4 responses by kr4

the issue is that I can’t seem to find a way to avoid limiting the resolution to 24/192 or even lower with most dirac endpoints.

AFAIK, DL is limited to 24/192. So what?

Yes, I lose the DSP benefits with those recordings but they still sound amazing. It makes me wonder if most of the benefits of DSP occur in the standard resolution ranges (which is where 99%) of all records live). Perhaps the super high resolution records overcome my room limitations because they are just so open. Can’t say.

I can. What DSP/DL does has nothing to do with resolution. It is as capable with high resolution (>24/192) as it is with 16/44.1. Super high resolution has nothing to do with speaker faults, poorly matched speakers or room effects, all of which are addressed by DSP/DL.

You might call it a trade-off between the two but, in my experience, the improvements wrought by DSP/DL are much more significant than those due to increases resolution beyond 24/96.

The answer already given is digital and the particular nature would depend on what is available on the specific miniDSP and the HiFi Rose devices chosen.

I am open to any dirac "endpoint" but have been directed to the SHD Studio.

It looks like that is limited to 96kHz.

Typical of miniDSP stuff.

the rel 31 sub is currently connect via the amp speaker outputs per rel's recommendation.  It looks like I could change the sub connections to connect to one of the outputs of the shd studio if I wanted to play with those settings.

Having the sub directly and independently accessible to DL is a good idea.

are there any other dirac endpoints that might get better results than the minidsp shd studio?

Why not just run DL in your PC?  I've been doing that for years and it is capable of 24/192 (in as many channels as one could wish.