Diminishing Returns

I’ve reached a point, after much tweaking in my system thanks to Audiogon, I’m moving away from the forum. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m so satisfied with my system that further improvements, while I’m sure they will work, I don’t care.  I used to read  with great interest the weekly listing of the most popular posts.  I’m now finding it boring.  I think It’s time to get off the Merry-Go-Round.
Aside from the “Music” posts” that will be it.

Showing 12 responses by rvpiano

Three_ easy_payments,

I’m really sorry you took it that way.
it certainly was NOT my intention, conscious or unconscious, to lord it over anybody.  That would be my last thought.  I’m just happy that I’m off the personal treadmill I was on. 
To everyone else,

If I came across as being judgmental,  I sincerely apologize.  That certainly wasn't my intent. 
I thought this was a forum for expressing your feelings freely.
I have no delusions of grandeur, and I find your characterization of me quite insulting.  If you feel threatened, that’s not my problem.
Please don’t presume to speak for other members.  If anyone feels the way you do, they’re perfectly capable  of expressing it themselves. That's what a free forum is all about.
I only express my opinions, as every other member does.
As for Rachmaninoff, I am entitled to my opinion, just as you are.
I don't think personal attacks are desirable on this forum.


I think I’m at the point where I don’t care if the system can sound better.  Of course this may change somewhere down the line.  But right now, I’m alright.