Digitally recorded vinyl vs streaming

I know this is an hot button for many, but here goes... I like vinyl and have many albums from the 60's, 70's and 80's.  I'm interested in some 80's and 90's albums - like U2, REM, Nirvana,  but I wonder if they will sound any better than streaming since they were probably recored digitally.


Showing 1 response by musicfan2349

@mojo771 I will second the recommendation for an external DAC.

I too ordered a Border Patrol DAC online. To put it simply it gives me more: More details, depth, more soundstage. Please note that it is the power supply that is rectified by tube. The signal path is SS. Even so it was a nice improvement for a IMHO, reasonable amount of money. 

While I prefer vinyl, sometimes I just want to sit. 😉

Happy listening.