Different subwoofer settings for different albums?

So a dealer I know told me that he doesn’t use subwoofers and doesn’t know anyone who does (!) because he finds that every record has different levels of bass and would require a new subwoofer crossover point to properly blend with the main speakers.  Anyone else have this experience?

Showing 1 response by james633


this only comes up if you want to hear the sub all the time. As in trying to add bass amplitude rather then extend the frequency. 
Once a sub is set flat with test tones it simply plays what is there and every album does tend to have different bass levels. Some songs my subs do almost nothing and other songs they rattle the doors. 
I have found with one sub you can get some pretty big nulls at certain frequencies and can tend to very from song to song more than two or more subs depending on if the songs prominent bass note hits the null or not.  But we’ll setup subs just play what is on the source. 
I am of the opinion subs are one of the best upgrades you can make when done right. When done wrong they can really mess things up.