Difference between today and yesterday.

What are the diferences in sound between speakers made today and those of yesteryear?
Are there some from the past that will still sound better than most speakers made today
Given that most of the electronics and especially turntable tonearms and cartridges have imporved so much that this may be the first time ever some of the old models have an opportunity to sound their best, no?

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

There's a paradox going on here. Undoubtedly modern products offer a better performance/value ratio than what was available a generation ago and at the high end increased design and manufacturing knowledge coupled with better materials make it possible for real improvements to have taken place. Yet it's not all that clear that the best systems of 20 or 30 years ago are any less musically satisfying that the best systems of today. Modern systems may do more hi-fi tricks than older systems, but are they really more musically satisfying? It's not a case of nostalgia. There are valid reasons for people preferring vintage products to their modern equivalents. Ultimately, performance is not the end all and be all of what all people are looking for.