Difference between mesh vs. solid plate 300B?

I am looking to replace my 300B tubes and I am considering the Emission Labs 300B. This comes in a mesh and a solid plate model. There are other valve manufacturers who make solid plate vs. mesh 300B's, e.g. TJ Full Music.

My question: Can one make a general statement that mesh sounds different to solid plate? If so, what are the differences?

(Second question: the EML 300B mesh has a clear warning not to run the tube at high bias. I am wondering if there are any Cary 211AE owners who are running this tube).

Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

That may be who you are dealing with.  I have been an EML dealer for a couple of years and have found Jac to be extremely helpful in terms of warranty issues.  The only time it is a problem is if someone just ignores his advice and mis-uses a tube.  For instance, the EML Mesh tubes have a max plate dissipation of 28w vs. the standard 40w.  If you put them in the wrong amp and/or don't adjust the bias down and they burn up, he isn't going to honor the warranty.  Otherwise, the couple of failures I have dealt with were addressed immediately.  Jac even facetimed with a customer to help him modify the bias on an amp when he had an issue.