Did your system getting better the more money you spent or more experience you gained?

This is something that wanted to ask folks. Initially I said I would never spend x amount of dollars in this audio journey. 20 years later I’m here and did what I said I wouldn’t but I’m happier than ever. Best system to this date. But it wasn’t about money only. I gained knowledge on what was possible and the quality and design of the gear I wanted. I see people just throw money into audio and never be happy or satisfied. I think that happens because they don’t think for themselves as well as have the resources? Thoughts ?


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

@mapman ....+10 to the tenteenth....*G* ;)

Experience can make one either 'discriminating'.....or severely jaundiced.... *LOL* 

Mmmm, by situation I've had to make the latter work harder later on; but have gained such that I can make the $'s work better when I opt to do so.

If I had more of the former, I could make better choices.

Not necessarily Super SOTA, mind you....just ones' that would scratch my particular 'itch' in their places... ;)