Did I do a good thing or not?

I just bought a Shure V-15 VMR cartridge, and a Jico replcement stylus from LP Gear. 

Was this a good move, or bad? Well, I guess I'll find out.



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Showing 11 responses by islandmandan

Yes, Audioguy, I was just informed about the discontinuation of the stylus. Yesterday, I ordered a Jico SAS/S VN5MR to replace it.

Well, gentlemen, I was wondering what knid of a response I would get to my question,. I had a V-15 Tyve IV back in the nether days of my audio life.

Back then, I barely knew how to set up an arm and cartridge. When I decided to get back into analog years ago, I found just how much unknowing I could be accused of,  and set about enlarging my knowledge regarding things of such matter.

I was able to do so, and was even able to construct a Garrard 401 table and plinth.I've been curious about how a Shure V-15 type whatever would sound on a properly set up turntable with a fine arm, phonostage and all to see just how fine it would sound set up in the conditions as they are at che Thomason these days.

Like I said in my post, I guess I'll find out.



In my misspent youth, I had a V-15 Type IV, but back in those days, I barely knew how to set up a cartridge, so I'm curious how the V-15 will sound on my current lash-up.

Just please allow an old man to get his jollies off somehow!

Best to all,


Dover, I am so glad to hear this news. Now that I'm a certified old fart, these kind of exercises are fun, and don't cost too much. I wonder it it'll outshine the Dynavector XX2MKII (a real verteran around here, with a SS retip aboard), an AT ART-9, Acutex M 320 LPM, or my ESCCO modified Denon 103R.

Good stuff! Regards,


Much to my surprise, my new cartridge (sans stylus) arrived today, in perfect shape.. Pretty quick, all the way from New York, New York.

Shure was really trying to make a statement with this cartridge and its packaging. Verry luxurious.

Can't wait for the stylus!



After Saturday is when I'll know. That's when the new stylus arrives, so Saturday will be ike Christmans around here!

Hell to all. Finished up the installation of the Shure V-15 Type 5 MR last night, first record was a wowser, the second even more so (Eric Burden's "Til Your River Runs Dry"). Great album, and sounded spectacular. I just sat with my mouth hanging open, in pure joy.

I've never expreienced that kind of feeling before in all the years of my much DIY system, it sounded like a million-dollar system with the new cartridge.

To say I am happy would be the understatement of the year, and Dover, you were so right about the Dynavector 501 arm would be a good match for the V-15 Type 5, another monumental understatement.

Thanks to all who care, and even to those that don't! (I love everybody this morning!



Dover I'll try that next time I fire up my Garrard.

Thanks for the tip!



Who has a manual? If I ever had one, I lost it long ago. I don't know if Dynavector still and ifo on their websits, but I guess I'll check and see.



Lewm, Dover, I used the method you described, and that worked a treat! 

My analog front end is much improved in the depth I hear into the music.

Analog has never sounded as good as it does right now. I'm a happy man.

Thanks and regards,


Lewm, I've never heard my LP setup sound this good before. It might be that this cartridge is a much better match for my Dynavector arm, than The Acutex. It might be if I use Dover's method of setting balance weight to the arm, I might ba blown away again.

It'll be a lot of fun to find out. Maybe tonight?

