Recording with microphones choices and locations is an acoustic problem with INEVITABLE trade-off choices ( bad recordings exist) .... Transfering acoustic recording choices of the recording engineer trade-off art into ANOTHER acoustic environment : our room; is another problem in acoustic ...( bad room acoustic exist)
The fact that the gear components, digital as analogue, work, conveying recorded information ( recorded as a SPECIFIC set of choices) between this translation of one set of acoustic choices by the recording engineer and the other set of acoustic choices in my room; in this acoustic translation the end results has not so much to do with the gear choice alone , as subjectivist or objectivist think in their opinionated focus on gear, but has way much to do with acoustic control over speakers/ears/room ...( i supposed the components are relatively well match and good for sure)
That is my experience...
Saying that dac choice matter or amplifier or speakers choice matter is only spewing common place evidence that cannot nullify my observation but displacing the main problem of audio, room acoustic, to a secondary one : which gear to purchase... Because nothing can replace acoustic disposition of the room... Except Dr. Choueri filters... That is my opinion...
«In acoustic if the timbre perceiving experience is not good, nothing is good. Spatial soundfield localization is second .» anonymus acoustician