Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Showing 17 responses by mapman

I stay out of arguments where two sides take absolute counter stances and are unwilling to address the ultimate truth that the correct answer usually lies somewhere in between. The only way to find it is to take all factors into consideration.

It’s very sad to me that we live in such a politically polarized environment these days that people are conditioned to focus on grievances rather than solutions.

It does not bode well for the future.

How about everyone just say they are sorry If you want to solve the question of is a better than b get together in a room armed with ALL the relevant data and put a and b to the ultimate listening test and talk it out about what you hear and why.

Metrics alone are very often abused rather than used properly. It takes some know how to get things right. Not an easy task. But if the data is correct two people should be able to get in a room and help validate it.

The things is all people can do on a forum is talk and share information . You can’t hear a dam thing! Certainly not on the ultimate hifi. So there are limits. Take what others have to offer with civility, not anger. Repeating something over and over hoping the other guy finally gets it is not a good strategy. If it’s not working just say your piece and move on. None of this stuff is really all that important anyhoo in the grand scheme of things.

Just saying….



Fwiw I recently applied a packaged convolution filter in Roon DSP for my Sennheiser Momentum headphones and the results are staggering. Modern DSP processing done right is a very powerful tool indeed.

The results push me closer to carving out time to try and create my own convolution filters for my various rooms at home. It’s more work and just a little cost to create your own. You just need a decent mike that costs ~130 dollars and free software to create the filter. I’m very confident that could be one of the best $130 I could spend currently for better sound.


I use some minimal room treatments on some rooms currently and none in others where not conducive.


To thoroughly treat most rooms with commercial treatment could cost thousands of dollars to do right. Like Amir I do furnish and set up my rooms wherever possible for better acoustics. Much more cost effective and practical in many cases where one might not have a totally dedicated “listening room”.


I listen in many rooms many different ways all the time. That’s not even including 5 pair of decent quality headphones. I want to hear it all. Variety is the spice of life. That’s just me.

@amir_asr need to point out I did not say what you have me quoted as saying above. I think you made a mistake there.

I’m keeping score on the thread. You get a point if you offer up information that helps people.

Hate to say it but Amir is slaughtering all at this point. Not liking someone’s style is a swing and miss. No style points either. Just telling it like I see it using my own measures for things that add value and things that do not. No doubt many will disagree and that’s all alright.

Can't decide what's more entertaining the MLB home run hitting contest or the I'm smarter than you battle of words right here.   I guess I'm easily entertained.  

Nobody buy his ideological stance about their meanings 

Well first it’s never a good idea to speak for everyone.  

Second, I really do not detect an ideology other than Amir is only interested in facts not opinions.  Of course now everybody has those and Amir is no different.  His ideology seems to be opinions are opinions but he does not care about those because each is different.   Whereas metrics done correctly are measurements not opinions but facts.  Other facts I see him consider when reviewing are things like physical construction and usability.   For example I read him indicate that a particular power cord was highly flexible  which can be of value.   Or that a certain amp appeared to have good ventilation.  All these are observable facts, not opinions.   Remember Joe Friday?  Just the facts ma’am!  That seems to be Amir  


Do I believe he does this out of the goodness of his heart and no monetary reward involved?  Please….   He provides a service and has a business model for it.   Good for him!   If I can find a product that measures as well as some other more expensive one that measures similarly I am all ears.  That is valuable information!  Take it or leave it.   Everyone gets to decide.


My suggestion to Amir would be to learn to tailor the message to the audience.

search posts by user almarg who posted here for many years. Al was a technical guy with tremendous technical knowledge and a lawyer. Not to forget most importantly a model gentleman. He knew how to present his technical cases to the jury effectively and was beloved here for it.


We need more gentlemen like Almarg these days everywhere Beating people over the head with things seems to be more the style these days and people are getting tired of it  

Just trying to help. Almarg set a very high bar to try and match.


Amir seems to me to mostly address relevant issues. Seems he is the one being attacked first and he seems to show restraint on his responses trying to stick to the issues.

That’s just my take. He is bringing a lot of good information to the table whether one cares or not. We need more of that not less. Technology is the key to good sound and it doesn’t just happen by magic.

I’d be interested in any info people have about specific product reviews on asr that you think got it wrong. The findings are all there for public consumption. Please post a link if you know of examples. Thanks

How about people who want to measure measure and people who want to feel feel. Neither is a crime and it makes everyone happy which should really be the only goal. Otherwise the result is a thread like this where people just double down on their positions and argue. Gets old fast.

”She has illusion and you have reality. May you find your way to be as pleasant!”

Of course this discussion is going nowhere.🤷. Oh well, one can only hope (or measure).

Wire directionality! Now we’re talking! Measure that!🙃 Truly a game changer.  Does a crystal ball help? 

Fwiw I use name brand speaker wires with batteries on them and gotta say it’s one tweak I never have heard a difference with. But it’s OK, In my defense, I bought them used for a reasonable price versus the competition. They work fine and sound good because my system ain’t bad otherwise so no need to measure…they get the job done. Glad I didn’t pay top dollar new though. I might have felt a little silly then.

Interesting thread. One guy producing actual data and others countering with words. Not a fair fight it would seem. The audiophiles may need to up their game, but at least it’s a home game here for them so that helps.  😉

Not that I am aware of.  That’s not a swipe.  I just really don’t get why people are so infatuated with him.   I guess he gets people to talk about him so he is successful there. More power to him!