Desktop Speakers - New Tannoy Golds versus Adam, Vanatoo etc

Looking to buy some new desktop speakers for a smallish desk in my office.  I have a calyx coffee dac.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced the new Tannoy Gold desktop monitors:

The Vanatoo transparent zero speakers are also highly reviewed.  I've also heard good things about Adam audio.  Budget is around $300-400.  Not interested in audioengine.

If anyone has got some suggestions it would be highly appreciated.  I will mostly be streaming bbc radio 6 and electronic dj mixes so some deep bass wouldn't go a miss.

Appreciate your time,

Showing 1 response by rockadanny

Don’t know the Tannoy or Vanatoo, but my Adam F7 are terrific desktop speakers. In no way do I feel I compromised audio quality by having to buy speakers which would work well at my desk for < $1k. When I auditioned at Guitar Center they beat the pants off all competition there (JBL, umm ... sorry, too long ago to recall the other losers). Their AMT tweeter is superb. And port is in front.