Desktop Speakers - New Tannoy Golds versus Adam, Vanatoo etc

Looking to buy some new desktop speakers for a smallish desk in my office.  I have a calyx coffee dac.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced the new Tannoy Gold desktop monitors:

The Vanatoo transparent zero speakers are also highly reviewed.  I've also heard good things about Adam audio.  Budget is around $300-400.  Not interested in audioengine.

If anyone has got some suggestions it would be highly appreciated.  I will mostly be streaming bbc radio 6 and electronic dj mixes so some deep bass wouldn't go a miss.

Appreciate your time,

Showing 1 response by jon_5912

I bought a psb subseries 100 to augment a desktop system.  It's  tiny and fits behind one of my monitors on my desk.  It's not really a sub in that it only goes down to about 40hz but it adds a lot to that little system.  If I were you I'd buy whatever speakers sound best without regard to bass extension and plan on buying one of these or something similar down the line.  I don't think you'll ever be satisfied listening to electronic bass on little desktop two ways.