Denon DL103 vs Goldring 1042 on a Spacedeck

I have an old Nottingham Spacedeck with a 10'' Spacearm. When I bought it (used) it came with a Denon DL103.
Although someone told me that this cart is not recommended for this turntable/arm (I don't know why but I guess it has something to do with weights and mass), I really enjoy this combination.
Now I have the chance of getting a brand new Goldring 1042 for less than half of the retail price.
Can someone tell me if it worth to make the change?
What should be the difference between these two carts for this turntable/arm set?


Showing 1 response by nedhogan

Sorry about commenting on an old thread but I'm just wondering about how you got on? I have an ace space deck with a 1042 and would like your opinion on the 1042 and deck?I feel like the space deck tonearm or wiring or platter removes some of the liveliness of most carts which adds a bit of sound stage but looses a tiny bit of punch (kick drum). With the 1042 I seem to get quite a brittle sound on lively music which can emphasise cymbals but when there is space and depth intended in the recording it really is almost breath taking, then instruments and vocals are there with you. I do miss a bit of that punch that I know is there on some other recordings and is really needed for rock type music.Do any of you have similar experiences or can recommend anything? I have shortened my TT cables now which seems to have maybe helped a tiny bit in regards to bring a bit more 'presence' to some passages due to less capacitance loading.
Considering the Denon despite it not on paper being right for this tonearm. Though I have hear the published compliance of the denon is at 100Hz not 10 and by that it shouldn't actually be tooooo bad.