Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET

Hi- I have Fire Bottle 300B on the way. Any info from an owner of one of these is greatly appreciated, and… has anyone placed a tube preamp ahead of it? I have a Rogue RP-1…


@whiteknee you can get a hold of Dennis through the Audio Aficionado board. You have to pay to be a subscriber there but you can get get in touch with folks to order stuff from Dennis. There’s also a Cary Audio board there as well.  

@whiteknee just make sure you post on the Inspire by Dennis Had thread if you’re interested in a preamp from him. Search the main thread for preamp and you’ll see plenty of recent-ish posts about preamps. 

@whiteknee I'm currently looking for line stage for the QS mid monos.

You'll see the Inspire linestage preamps LP, CJ, others show up on US Audiomart periodically.  I recommend a 6SN7 or better line stage for the QS Mid Monos. Using a really good preamp in front of them does make a difference.   Im running a prior gen Dennis Had sweet-little-preamp Cary SLP-98 with my Quicksilver Mono 120s, and also use it for my Pass Forte' Audio Class A 50watt solid state amp both.  There are more than a few Pass owners who use this preamp. Works great with both vendors amps, outboard power transformer, and has dual line out so you can run the two amps or one amp plus dual subwoofers with plenty of drive. Remote control too. Responds well to different 6SN7 tubes.