Denafrips/Vinshine not everything they were built up to be.

Just a FYI for the AG members, as that is how I (second handedly) got the info that there would be no worries.... Vinshine that as you know is the sole world wide distributor of Denafrips. 
I placed an order with Vinshine on April 4th and sat back to see just how long this adventure would or could take. I never received any communication after the e-mail that stated my order was in. So this past Monday (approximately 5 weeks) I sent them an e-mail inquiring as to the status of my order. It took a couple days, due to time differences, but out of nowhere dated yesterday (5/13/21) is a shipping number and packing list. Nothing else... no sorry about the delay, I know this must look strange your shipment all of a sudden going?????
There were those of you that said, no way... I wouldn't do it. And, what about warranty. 
I've been a member here 14 years and never posted anything. You guys need another unknown voice like a hole in the head. I just read my Friday Forum Highlights like my mom used to read her National Inquirer. But thought I would at least alert you to seemingly some strange goings on at Denafrips. 

Showing 2 responses by whipsaw

"strange goings on"

I believe your anecdote, but your hyperbolic headline and conclusion seem oddly out of proportion.

If there are others who have had similar experiences, I haven't seen them reported on this, or other forums. In fact, Alvin Chee of Vinshine has a well documented history of being very responsive to any issues, including answering questions directly on forums. So your experience is undoubtedly anomalous.

Perhaps Denafrips has been adversely impacted by the well-reported chip shortage, which would explain uncommon shipping delays. The lack of communication that you report is disappointing, but again, I see no evidence that it is remotely typical.
This was intended to be an FYI for the group.... No More!

Apparently overreaction is your default mode.

I made the fact-based point that your complaint is anomalous, and agreed that the lack of communication is disappointing. Here is a 53 page (and counting) thread on Denafrips:

Are the contributions all glowingly positive? Of course not. But the responses from owners of the products are overwhelmingly positive, and so to extrapolate from your single experience that something is "wrong" with the company, and that it is "not everything they were built up to be", is ludicrous.

Presumably your business never made any mistakes over those 40 years.