Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??

Maybe the ultimate PCM (RedBook) converter? Sure looks the goods.

Cheers George
is there something inherently special about R2R?
Yes there is, it does 16/44  24/96 Redbook pcm bit perfect,, when implemented right, better than any dsd/sacd delta sigma can hope to, which can only give a facsimile of it.

MoJo Music:
" When a PCM file is played on a DSD or Bit Stream Delta Sigma converter, the DAC chip has to convert the PCM to DSD in real time. This is one of the major reasons people claim DSD sounds better than PCM, when in fact, it is just that the chip in most modern single-bit Delta Sigma DACs do a poor job of decoding PCM."

Cheers George
Are these R-2R design DACs optimized for 16/44.1 Redbook PCM or they will perform equally well for other types of content in PCM format, like FLAC content streamed from Tidal, etc., at higher rates, e.g., MQA, say via something like a Bluesound Node2 or other popular streaming gear?
Tried the Denafrips Ares R2R DAC and for its asking price it was very good.  The only major setback was the 1mm LED indicators and the dark gray on black silkscreening.  

Good Listening

@dragon_vibe , that's a machine manufactured R-2R chipset, I wouldn't expect point to point or hand assembled dac of this kind (the R-2R circuitry). That'd be sort of ridiculous, impossible even.
I am actually very interested in the Venus, one step down from the Terminator. Essentially my next dac will be a R-2R dac and I'm considering the Holo Audio Kitsune Edition, Denafrips Venus or the highest end Soekris. 
No I haven't, but if you search those that have, say it's the best thing since sliced bread!

Cheers George
The Circuit Board is a cheap production version.

I'm guessing all those capacitors and resistors turns some people on enough to warrant a purchase. Personally I would stay away from these sort of companies till they have properly estabilished them self with proven products.

For all we know it could be the Terminator killing audiophiles and robbing their money!