Denafrips Price Increase

Starting Dec13  a sizeable price increase, Denafrips how much ?

holo springs went up $500: on the new  Holo springs May dac and  other models they may go up again after the new year , just a heads up I got notice in my email.


Face it kids costs are up across the globe. Logistics and shipping costs (conex containers) costs have gone up dramatically in the last 18 month.

China is also experiencing escalating energy costs and shortages of coal for generating electricity due trade issues with Australia.

It is all a perfect storm so buckle up kids. COVID has just magnified all these issues. Trump did not break it and Biden will not fix it.


Please remember -'The deal of a lifetime only comes along once a week'

That said I am ordering a Pontus 2 tomorrow.




Poltifact?!? LOL like they are so trustworthy and unbiased...

And, yes, Biden certainly does deserve some of the blame...

Whatever happened to January Sales? Where suppliers and retailers dump their overstock and Christmas leftovers to see them through the dark first three months of the year.