Denafrips Pontus II 1.4 Firmware

Hi All,

I have a Denafrips Pontus II purchased in 2022.  I love the DAC and haven't wanted to mess with it, but some new equipment has me thinking it might be time to finally upgrade to the 1.4 firmware.  Unfortunately, it looks like Vinshine has dropped their support for it since their split with Denafrips and I can't find it anywhere.  I hope this is allowed, but is anyone with the file and upgrade instructions willing to send them to me?

Thanks in advance!


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Showing 3 responses by jastralfu

Mac or Windows?  I have the Mac version FPGA_EP4CE6F.  The last seven characters indicate the numbers on your FPGA in the Pontus.  I recall that the numbers need to match or you can brick your dac.  It’s also possible to brick it even with the correct update so be mindful of that.

After my intial post I checked and saw that the zip file contains both Mac and Windows update files.  You just need to verify the correct number on the FGPA.

I think so but I don’t recall it’s been a while since I did it.  There should be videos from Vinshine out in the world that go over the process.