Demonstrating an Oppo 105 in my Toyota Sienna

An oddball question but easier to post here than unbox and potentially ruin it. 
I’m looking to sell an oppo 105D somewhat locally and was wondering how I could demonstrate for the buyer that it works. My sienna has composite video inputs along with a 2 prong outlet.  I was wondering if using the diagnostic out in the back would function as some type of composite video out, and whether I could use a “cheater” plug at the end of the oppo grounded plug map it would work on the vans power outlet. Don’t want to damage it and it would probably be like a minute or two demo

If you use the DIAG output, only the setup menu will be visible on the TV. So you couldn’t demo a movie.
The 2 pin cheater would work although be careful that the car’s 110volt isn’t "dirty" DC/AC convertor which might cause noise or issues.