wolf_garcia"The strange world of hifi tweaks dismissed reason, facts, and truth the minute it was discovered that desperate hobbyists would buy anything"
It is sad and regrettable to read this because the comment itself reflects a distinct and even absolute abandonment of reason, facts, and truth and that you do not see that is only proof of that assertion itself so you seem to be confused, disoriented, and uncertain even as you labor tirelessly to convince others that you are enlightened, scientific, and rational. |
bdp24"...it is the middle class economy and society of the 50’s and 60’s that allowed pre-recorded music, Hi-Fi equipment, and musical instruments to become readily available...I think Veterans should receive far-more substantial benefits and pensions than they currently do
This is just a load of right-wing, American "conservative" political deception, illusion, and nonsense musical instruments have been widely available since someone first struck a stick on a rock or put a broomstick on a metal tub and Music Reproduction Systems have been evolving since Edison this whole thread is about politics, ideology, and social persuasion cloaked in a pseudo-intellectual guise about audio and music and the moderators should shut this crap down unless they want more political debate, argumentation, and confrontation especially by those who see through the American mirage of equality, justice and truth which is just about everyone outside of you're cherished nation. |
wolf_garcia"Clearthink, by editing out most of my post and adding your own somewhat desperately formed screed regarding how you imagine I might feel, you've shown yourself to be incapable of a relevant response to my comment or any understanding of other comments I've made in this or any other thread. You simply attempt to insult me with badly thought out nonsense showing you are neither clear, or much of a thinker.
Wolf_garcia, by not quoting what I wrote in response to your bleating and adding your own somewhat desperately formed screed regarding how you imagine I might feel, you've shown yourself to be incapable of a relevant response to my comment or any understanding of other comments I've made in this or any other thread. You simply attempt to insult me with badly thought out nonsense showing you are neither clear, or much of a thinker.
hifiman5"What country would that be from which you opine?"
I do not respond to requests or demands for personal information from user's of this site however if you have been reading my contributions a smart fellow such as yourself will almost without serious doubt be able to figure it out for yourself! |
celander "my post seems to fit this thread perfectly" Well yes I am sure you are so proud of yourself for your post I hope that you’re next step is to sue George Carlin because he stole all of your words and that is a disgraceful, shameful and dishonest act by George Carlin that should not go without swift, immediate and decisive response from you it is a stain on your credibility, integrity and value as a contributor to this forum. 😂😂 |
celander "George didn’t pen this quote, as snopes dot com demonstrated. And if you compare the original work by the Reverend Moorehead with my post, word for word, it’s not the same text" You’re right you didn’t steal this from George Carlin you stole it from someone else then you through in a few words of you’re own and now try to pass it off as original thinking it is so odd that this should happen in this thread where we talk about the decline of Western civilization and how truth has become a rubbery slippery poorly defined thing subject to the unique interpretation of each individual so congratulations on defending yourself against plagiarism by claiming that some of the words were actually your’s! In my country plagiarism is derided as a particularly vile offense and infraction but you seem to suffer no discomfort, shame or embarrassment in stealing another's original creation that says a lot about you! |
celander"Get over it. Move on"
If you want me to "move on" you should file a request, complaint, or demand with the moderator's who manage this group I plan to participate here as long as I please if only to expose cheats, liars and bullies such as yourself for the ignorant, opinionated and misguided fools that you are! |
celander "Why do I get the impression that some contributors are posting from leather recliners, wearing only underwear, with a Colt45 beverage on their side table?"
It is because you are looking in what's called a "mirror" which is a device that reflects that to which it is exposed you may want to Google that! |
celander "I’m satisfied with the thread ending as it stands. Thanks, for everyone’s contributions!" Well you are certainly very welcome however it appears here that you are laboring under a mistaken, misunderstood, or confused notion that even as the OP you have the right, power, or influence to declare, pronounce, or insist that the thread ends here. It is apparent and obvious to all who have followed in this thread your obvious, deliberate, and even insidious premeditated effort to introduce politics and your own opaque personal agenda into what otherwise would be a simple forum for the exchange of thoughts and ideas about music and audio. In fact this most recent exultation from you that this thread has now ended follows a previous notice from you made within this thread that "this thread is officially off the rails. I’m moving on" but you seem unable to move on because of you’re apparent inner need to obfuscate, confuse, and conceal and of course you can delete this thread as the OP but you can not do that because of you're own ego and sense of personal grandeur. |
celander"I sense an anger management course in the future of at least one contributor here"
Good for you I hope you're mommy can drive you there it will be worth both of your time if you can manage to understand truth, integrity and honor without blaming, insulting or attacking others or concealing, disguising, or denying your true agenda! I( applaud you're candor and will support you in any way Ican in your journey to learn, mature and grow. |
cleeds"This thread seems to show what happens when troll meets troll..."
Cleeds is a winkley dinkler and doesn't it appears actually own any audio equipment at all even though in every thread he posts he claims to own the Music Reproduction System component that is the subject of the discussion or otherwise previously owned the
Music Reproduction System component that is the topic, subject or focus of the thread therein. |
celander @clearthink. Why is it that you feel every post concerns you? smh"
I already told you if you want me to "move on" you should
file a request, complaint, or demand with the moderator's who manage
this group I plan to participate here as long as I please if only to
expose cheats, liars and bullies such as yourself for the ignorant,
opinionated and misguided fools that you are!