Dedicated power

I'm looking to run a dedicated 30a and dedicated 20a line to my system directly from the fuse box. 
I currently have some florescent lights and some other junk on the line so I'm hoping it will be an improvement. Things sounds like they are straining somewhat when you crank things up. The amp will go on the 30a line and the digital stuff on the 20a. 
Anyone done this and saw improvements? 

Showing 9 responses by mofojo

I talked with my electrician and local code is I cannot use 20a receptacle on 30a breaker so 20a breaker it is. 
Scheduled to come Monday. 
Update. This is for sure real. Before the dedicated lines there was a hiss with nothing playing. Not bad at all but could hear from maybe 6 inches to a ft away. Now dead silent. Nothing. 
Well its a minimal expense running the second line and I figured having the digital and amps separated would be a good idea. I will read your link you posted. Will look into the orange fuse as well. As far as cryo wire and transformers prob not ready to go that far yet! 
For 400 bucks all in I figure it very well could be a very reasonable improvement. 
Hmm ill check into local codes on the 30a line.. 

I basically just want to be ready for anything I get. Parasound hca 3500 or Musical Fidelity kw500 I hear it is reccomended 30a and I am looking at both of those. 
Running a temporary amp Aragon 2002 at the moment with Pioneer S-1ex speakers. I'm not totally convinced its a power issue but rather a room overload issue at 90-100 db which i don't listen to all that often. We shall see. 
I'm gonna do 2- 10 gage lines with reasonable hospital grade outlets and be done with it for now. Ill look into the fancy fuses etc after the lines are run. Maybe check out the cable company and try out some cables after I get a better amp although I am very skeptical of power cables and speaker cables to a lesser extent. Not saying I'm right..... just very skeptical. 
Hmm maybe I will stock with single line. I guess other issue with 2 is it's a real bear to run these. I am in basement and where the fuse box is there is no basement under it (concrete). We figured out a way to run it but it is tight and the 2 lines would need to be close together for most of the run, maybe inducing noise?
 I'll ask my electrician what the local code is about the outlet. If I can use a 20a outlet on a 30a line I will do that. If not I will stick with 20a.
Talked with my friend who is doing the wiring. We are gonna do 220v to a small box very close to where the outlets are going. This should distance the circuit even further from other crap on the lines and only cost about 50 bucks more to do. 
We did determine today there is gonna need to be a bit more drywall rip up than we initially thought. HATE HATE doing drywall! Ohh well crappy patch job and hang a pic over it.  
Well finally had the dedicated lines installed. I have to say it sounds denser and cleaner. Better bass definition and whatever little bit of hash in the highs seemed to be diminished. Everything seems tighter and better separated. Obviously this is not a blind test and yes there was/is some bias of wanting to hear an improvement. I have been working out of this room for a year so I listen basically all day long if not on a meeting so I have a pretty good handle on the difference. All I know is it did no harm and I feel like there is a noticeable improvement. I would highly recommend doing this if you don't need to rip a bunch of drywall up for the small investment. A fraction of what some power cords cost.