dedicated lines. what goes where?

Hi. I am finishing my installation of 4 dedicated lines. There are two dedicated grounds for these lines
My rig includes:
spectral monoblocks and preamp
theta transport and Dac
sigtech "equalizer"
MIT power conditioner
My plan is to put the monblocks and the preamp circuits to one ground and keep the digital stuff on their own grounds (all grounds are supplemental to the main box anyway)
Does this sound right? Or should I bit the bullet and drive a couple of more seems like quite a bit already
Thanks for the thread. many of those threads are helpful. The sum total of all the info is confusing...lots of opinions. I will review them again and then see what my ears hear.
To others: Quite right abou the grounds. I know some people actually remove the ground from the main box after their electrician leaves and rely on their separate audio grounds. I might try this for a minute but it seems like a risk for prolonged lengths of time.
Supplemental grounds are perfectly ok by code and safety and are helpful. It is the method used in high tech computer installations. Even more, the benefit can be measured by checking the resistance across the (-) and the ground.
Piezo -- you'll get a lot of agreement about that. In one of the threads, Albert Porter (and others) talk about a "preferential ground" which ties the outlets first to a new ground rod and then to the whole-house ground (if I read this right). That sounds good to me and I will be going that route for my new house, and maybe the transformers, pending further research.
Jdwek, the reason I referenced all these threads is that there is a lot of discussion about what to plug in where. Generally, power amps each get their own and then separate the digital stuff from the pre-amp and other analog (if there are 5 lines, TV to the fifth). As usual, experimentation is the key.
I once had seperate ground rods driven with no hum problems. THen two different guys on audio asylum showed how my seperate ground could be used as a direct path through my system by a lightning strike (i live in one the plains states where thunderstorms can be big entertainment). needless to say i disconnected the ground rod and stayed with the common house sustem ground (which is the only code compliant way to do it anyway). a few months later a near lightening strike did claim a couple of tubes and some fuses in my amps, which were not protected by a conditioner/surge protector.
I'm doing some research on this topic and would like to recommend the following previous posts:
The Big Four (in no order):
1) Advice on installing dedicated outlets Jazz_nut 9-17-01
2) Dedicated curcuit question???? Krelldog 2-24-02
3) How many dedicated lines? Macm 5-31-01
4) Advice- wiring for decidated sound room Audioken 5-28-01
Other very good ones (in no order):
1) Dedicated Circuit wire alternatives? Leoturetsky 4-11-02
2) Star Grounding Gladstone 6-1-01
3) Dedicated line vs. power conditioner Macm 5-2-01
4) URGENT HELP: Wire for dedicated lines??? Worldcup86 1-10-02
5) Isolated Ground electrical outlents??? Weiserb 3-10-02
6) Reference Ground Set-up? Fatparrot 1-20-02
7) How's to ground for the dedicated line? Worldcup86 12-28-01
8) Dedicated power circuit Joeldoss 4-14-01

That's my "dirty dozen" -- sorry if I may have missed some other really good ones. These should answer most of your questions. Note -- the first thread referenced 74 other posts of interest (I did not check these out, but Bob Bundus is one of the "guru's" in this area). Hope that helps. I don't have anything to add above what is in those posts.
Remember ... Think with your ears!
Dedicated (meaning separate?) grounds that run to different ground rods...sounds like the beginning of trouble (ground loops, hum...etc). The whole idea is to have a single, common ground in a system. If each is at a different, even slightly, potential (voltage) you will have current flow through the ground causing who-knows-what... When all of the grounds are common (as in most all electrical wiring and systems), by definition they are all at the same potential (voltage) and no current will flow.

If you read through some old posts, you will find those reporting improved performance after opening up the electrical panel and re-tigtening all the ground and common line connections. Many connections leads to contact resistance. The resistance causes voltage drops and that causes unwanted current flow.

All grounds should be common and this include cable TV connects if that's any where in your system. Multiple ground rods are good, just tie them together with 10 gauge solid wire and make sure all connections are tight...
In parallel with in any amp section. The amps will not be plugged directly into the Z center. The amps go directly to the wall FIM outlet
In series with the digital side using the isolation outlets on the MIT Z center. thanks