Dedicated Line, Surge and Safety

As I'm getting ready to have a dedicated line installed a few safety quesions have come to mind.

1)Will 10-2 wire conduct a stronger surge and increase the risk for damage?

2)Every electrician,besides my electrician,says that using 10-2 wire is overkill and my house will get set on fire. Certainly this is not desireable but all authorities on dedicated lines I've consulted suggest 10-2.

What's the bottom line on dedicated line safety?

Thanks - Jack

Showing 1 response by jdombrow

You "believe" the electrical code for a 20A line only calls for 12 gauge, and you think it "should" be safer with 10 gauge. You actually mention twice that you think it "should" be safer. I'd love to hear your repsonse when his house catches fire. "Well, I thought it would be ok."

If you're not actually qualified to give factual, technical advice on house wiring, perhaps you should keep your "beliefs" to yourself.