Dedicated audio circuit question about the breaker

I searched and there are tons of great post about the line itself. We have a new home and I had the electrician run 10 gauge romex dedicated line for my system. I had to wait until everything was fully inspected and then I switched the outlet to a Cardas. Anyway my question is, we have a GE panel, he used an arc fault breaker. I am assuming this is code. Does the type of breaker for this application matter? Arc fault vs standard breaker?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

If you so much as look inside the panel you are doomed. Doomed I tell you. What state do you live in? I wouldn't come within two states if you even thought about looking inside a panel. This whole region of the known universe is threatened. The Tunguska event of 1908 flattened half the Russian taiga, and all because some peasant thought it would be okay to change a fuse without calling an electrician. 

Sorry, but I am just not as good at making up nonsense as some others. I try. But perseverance only goes so far when up against sheer talent.