Decent moderate priced speaker for large room

Admittedly this is outside the scope of true high-end audio, but I am perplexed re: chosing a moderately priced, full-range speaker to utilize in a vacation rental house. The room is 40' x 25' w/two-story vaulted ceiling. I would like to use my PS Audio GSA-250 (250 w per ch). I know it's a tall order, but I am seeking the best combo of party level and lower listening level performance, at a price that I won't have to loose sleep over.

Showing 1 response by celtic66

There is a pair of Coincident Triumphs for sale $650. Very efficient (92db) so power is of no real concern. Excellent low level resolution. My pair did not come with grills however, so if that's necessary you will need to check with seller.