Decent moderate priced speaker for large room

Admittedly this is outside the scope of true high-end audio, but I am perplexed re: chosing a moderately priced, full-range speaker to utilize in a vacation rental house. The room is 40' x 25' w/two-story vaulted ceiling. I would like to use my PS Audio GSA-250 (250 w per ch). I know it's a tall order, but I am seeking the best combo of party level and lower listening level performance, at a price that I won't have to loose sleep over.

Showing 1 response by bondmanp

The Klipsch are a naturally good idea - get the biggest model you can afford. Also, most of the horn-loaded, larger JBLs, old Atlec-Lansing speakers, and the like, plus Cerwin Vega speakers, are other high SPL, high efficiency brands.

Another idea that should work would be the DCM TFE200. At $1K/pr, they are efficient, and I heard them in a large room fed by a 25 watt tube amp. They were plenty loud and dynamic, so with your big room and big amp, maybe it would be a good fit. I think they have a 30-day home-trial so if they don't work, you cen return them. Here is a link: