DAW vs Alexia 1 vs Sasha 2, descending order of $$

Having recently heard the DAW, and Alexia 2, they are very close in performance the $$ suggest the DAW is a great value. I have Sophia 1 Wilson offers a generous trade in program, that said its still a lot of money, so my thinking has been to just get the DAW (my heart, my head says get the Alexia 1 CPO or Sasha 2 CPO) Not being independently wealthy, getting Either the Alexia 1 or Sasha 2 seem like sound choices, and trade up again later a couple years from now. My question is would you spend 10k more to get the DAW and stretch a little to make it happen or buy the lesser siblings and trade up in a few years?

Compared to my Sohpie 1s.

What would you do with the given choices.
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Showing 2 responses by supermerio

Heard alexia 2 with nagra and d’agostino, fantastic combination.
i own vitus sia 025 also a great match to my sasha 2.

I listen to my sasha 2 in a nearfield position about 6ft or 6.5 ft
from tweeter to my ear distance while the speakers are about
7 ft apart (inner sidewall). Much better to my ears. To far from 
the listeners and it sounds too laid back and uninvolving.