DartZeel CTH-8550 vs PS Audio BHK 300 Mononlocks

I know this is a crazy comparison but I am currently trying to decide between the Dart 8550 Integrated (used) or a new set of BHK 300 Amos with the BHK Pre (new). I am currently upgrading from a Yamaha A-S3000 and like convenience of the integrated but feel like the BHK monos might be a bigger upgrade. They will be fed by a VPI HW-40 turntable and a PS Audio DirectStream and will be running a pair of Joseph Audio Perspectives. 
... I am currently trying to decide between the Dart 8550 Integrated (used) or a new set of BHK 300 Amos with the BHK Pre (new). I am currently upgrading from a Yamaha A-S3000 and like convenience of the integrated but feel like the BHK monos might be a bigger upgrade. They will be fed by a VPI HW-40 turntable and a PS Audio DirectStream and will be running a pair of Joseph Audio Perspectives.
As far as I can see the BHK Signature Preamp, if that is the preamp you are referring to, does not include a phono stage. So the cost of a separate phono stage would have to be factored into your considerations, for the BHK alternative.

Also, according to JA’s measurements in Stereophile the phono section of the darT provides relatively low gain for LOMC cartridges, specifically 54.7 db, which may or may not be suitable depending on what cartridge you are using. (JA wasn’t able to measure the gain for MM cartridges). In contrast, it appears that the phono section of your Yamaha provides a gain of 66 db for LOMCs. Also, the combined gain of the line stage and power stage of the darT is not particularly high (and is considerably lower than the corresponding figure of your Yamaha), and thus should not be counted on to compensate for the low gain of the phono section. And the low sensitivity of your speakers (84 db per JA’s measurements) doesn’t help in that regard either.

Good luck, however you decide to proceed. Regards,
-- Al

FWIW a CTH 8550 just came up for sale on usaudiomart. it won’t last long. One thing to note is that it’s really designed to be used single ended for best results. 
Thanks for all the responses. I think I am going to DartZeel though the more I think about it the more I think I might need the NHB-18NS/NHB108 combo.
PS Audio has done a great job collaborating with Bascom King on their BK line. However, DarlZeel is among the world’s greatest manufacturers. Do you want a Cadillac or a Rolls Royce?