Dali speakers

I would like to hear some opinions from owners of Dali floor standing speakers.
Particularly the 6's, 7s
I did get a Chance to preview the walnut Epicon 8s and they sounded wonderful, but not looking for 20k a pair speakers. 
They are great speakers as I have owned the Epicon 6’s for 4 years now. I would not be concerned one iota about the above comment as they sound just wonderful in every way. The only way to know is by living with them over time in your space. I have owned some great speakers including the the Harbeth 40.1s, AZ Crescendo, Soundlab M1s, Coincident Total Victory 4s and others. The Dali Epicon 6s have been my favorite.

In room response in spot on great. They sound great at low, moderate or high volumes. No need to EQ anything as they sound perfectly balanced top to bottom in my room. Full bodied sounding while offering great resolution and fully fleshed out mids.

They never sound forced in any part of the music spectrum even at louder volumes. See my virtual system. I updated some parts in the crossover, but I do that with all my gear. They sounded great stock!

Past Dali speakers I have owned were not nearly as musical and natural as these. Dali has done a terrific job on this line.

Too many of today’s speakers sound thin and tipped up in the upper mids. Not this speaker! Also, darn great bass coming out of those rather small drivers!

Read about their driver innovation and learn how they have eliminated he noise/distortion found in many other drivers.  You can hear this absence of distortion as the speakers sound so natural and easy on the ears and senses. 

They also look wonderful and that is important to my wife.

I drive mine with a nice 50 watts of pure class A SS watts.

Feel free to contact me for more set up tips and pairing suggestions
Thanks for the input. I probably will go with the new Opticon 6s with the ribbon/dome combo.
And drive them with my Krell for a phono/ stereo setup.
I listening to a new set of Airmotiv on my Anthem, I wasn't expecting much from these but I'm shocked what these smallish towers can produce. 

I've had the Epicon 8's for almost three years now.  They replaced a pair of Quad 2805 that were completely rebuilt by Electrostatic Solutions.
If you listen to jazz, vocals and small groups, Quads are for me, the standard of low level listening. 

The Epicon 8's do this.  And they do it very well.  All associated gear makes a difference.  They also play loud.  There are times when I see 90 db peaks which is way freaking loud and all the music is still there.  I found them fairly easy to set up.
I run them with a Luxman 509x, modified MHDT Orchid, Shunyata interconnects and Nordost speaker wire. 

I'm also a musician, and am sensitive to the  whether the timbre of an instrument or voices is off.  Some recordings leave much to be desired. 

If you're in Washington state, come on by for a listen.