Dahlquist DQ-10s for home theater and music?

I just bought a pioneer elite vsx-45tx... Now Im trying to think up speakers that wont break the bank. When I was a little kid my dad had/has 2 paid of dq-10s (now theyre sitting in storage needing upgrading and woofers fixed). I looooved the sound these speakers made. My worry is if these speakers will still be usable today mated with a subwoofer center channel and rear speakers for watching a lot of movies, and for listening to a wide variety of music (not country and not classical). Can anyone tell me, am I barking up the wrong tree?
I tried this out with Elite 47TX. They are good in stereo mode but awfull in HT application. It is very hard to match the center with them and you will have to turn the volume too loud to hear them properly in your environment. my 2 cents.
I own a pair of DQ20I's and am going to be using them for home theater just for a short while to try them out. I will let you know the outcome in a few weeks.
The amount of work required for these DQ 10s seems a bit ridiculous, to this audiophool. 100 watts just ain't enough juice for those babies. More like 200, and then some. Try a post for info about speakers for your system and the amount of $$ you want to spend. That'll set you free. Not those DQ10s. peace, warren
Geez...I would think if one could restore them for very little doneros...why not?Crossed with a good modern sub they should still be very musical sounding even by todays standards.As WarrenH mentioned[correctly]....They certainly require gobs of good clean power to make them sing. Can't hurt to give that gracious Elgoro a ring either.I sold my pair to a close friend way back in the late 70's and they still sound fine.It is probably a good thing that they sound a little rolled on the top as the crappy piezo tweeter they used is really its only real liability.A pretty simple solution to correct given the great OEM tweeters out there today.Best of luck!
the ones im buying have been refoamed by regner already. Why should I replace the mid-tweets?
But still, will these speakers be a good match to the reciever I have and for the use Ill be using them for...?
Try this place for replacement mid-tweets for the DQ-10, they will also refoam the woofer for not to much money if you think you can't do the job.

But does anyone else use these speakers in a home theater setup? I watch a lot of movies....
Ok, My first advice would be to take Elgordo up on his offer, you can't beat free advice from someone who knows this old speaker very well. I used to own a pair years ago, If I recall..these speakers are not setup for bi-amp in stock form. I would recone both woofers and make or buy a good set of stands, the stock stands are not very good but would be easy to copy in a much more sturdy look a like. The DQ-10's have a left and a right speaker and need to be setup as such. These speakers image very well and were a true early highend design that should sound very good even by todays standards. I see them here on audiogon from time to time for around $500 if I recall.

Warren- What would you suggest for front speakers then? The ones Im looking at are mirrored and have had the crossovers upgraded - all by regner. But what would you suggest instead of these speakers? My reciever is a pioneer elite vsx-45tx so each channel gets 100 watts...
I, too, have owned the DQ 10s for years. I loved them, but they're problematic. I don't think it's worth all this to resurrect the dead. They have seen their day. Weak highs, no bass, though, midrange to die for. Need tons of power and they are bulky looking. You should get them phased arrayed, and have microfarrit capacitors installed if you're going to go with them. That's what I had done to mine. Huge difference back then, but like I said, I'd move on..there's much better for less $$ peace, warren
One other thing... Is a mirrored set really that much better? Is it worth the money to have a mirrored set is what Im asking. And should I really replace that original tweeter? And if so with what? And is it a big job to do so...
My sub is self powered so I should be alright there... Since my reciever is 100x7 and there is no way Ill ever use all 7 channels even for surround sound... Can I steal 2 channels and hook them both up to the dq10s? So each one would effectively have 200 watts going to it? Also how many ohms are dq-10s?
I had a pair of the DQ-10's myself. Great speakers for sure. I can't think of any reason why these wouldn't go well with a surround system. The only thing I didn't really like about the DQ-10's is that they required a great deal of power to drive at higher listening levels. The DQ-10's didn't go real deep in the bass department so a subwoofer is a good idea. Since the DQ's need so much power, you might want to explore a subwoofer that is self powered so your amp won't have to work too hard.
You are barking up the RIGHT tree. With the woofers reconed these speakers will sound as good as you remember them. One of my daughters is using my old DQs in this fashion and they sound great. If you care to send me your number, privately, I'll call you with recommendations since I have free nights and weekends. Don