Dagostino hd momentum, is lack of rubes a problem?

Kinda disappointing that dagostino doesnt do tubes. Is lack of tubes in their hd momentum preamp cause for concern when paired with a ss amp?

yes, rubes in title sb tubes.  Cant edit descriptions. So rubes appears.
Try the Great coda SS preamp you can get it for under $6 k check out.          Audio Archon.
it will. not disappoint  stereo times and others have labeled it world class .
my brother owns several great tube amps 
and as far as resolution and very natural tonal balance I first thought 
itwas a tube preamp ,that’s where fet ,and mosfets come in 
even though they are solid state devises they have vacuum tube characteristics .
Like this --> " The disadvantage tubes have is that they age and need replacement. "

Kinda like humans. :)
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