DAC vs PC vs Source

What a weekend of comparisons in my system.

Mc DAC vs Weiss; three Shunyata PCs (on loan from the Cable Company) to PowerPlant; and Roon vs Aurender.

Electronics: Mc 601; Mc 2300; PSA PP 15. Speakers SF Olympica III.

Big surprise (for me); Power cord had a huge impact (positive) on SQ. Truly a night and day difference between Shunyata Venom and Delta/Alpha (smaller differences between Delta and Alpha). Bigger soundstage, clarity, dynamics. Same difference across DACs. Delta winner (Alpha a bit better but not sure it’s worth the extra $$).

Mc vs Weiss DAC: Mc bigger soundstage and more dynamics BUT sharper treble and more glare. Weiss much more organic and lots of adjustments; winner Weiss.

Roon vs Aurender: Roon (first time for me) much better interface. SQ, with Roon running on an old Mac (not ideal), not a huge difference but Aurender had greater clarity. Winner Roon for usability.

For tonight winning combo: Delta PC, Weiss, and Roon. PC had the biggest impact on SQ.


Showing 1 response by audphile1

Not surprised. Good to know about Delta PC. It’s on my list to try on DAC.