I currently have the following system:

1. Martin Logan 11A impressions hybrid-subwoofer with electrostatic panels.

2. Conrad Johnson Classic 62 power amp-60 watts per channel (not the SE )

3. Chord Qtest DAC

4. Lumin U2 mini streamer

Adding the Lumin and streaming with Qobuz has improved the sound immensely from my Cary CD player being used as a transport and the Qtest DAC.

The Qtest Dac was around $2000.00. 

Looking for upgrade suggestions as thinking I can improve my sound further with a better sounding DAC.

Thank you. 




Showing 2 responses by laoman

"Topping D90 for under $1K would be a good recommendation. "

Topping would be a poor recommendation. Not only do they sound poor in the middle range, but the build quality is poor. Look at the number of people who have been fooled by the minion leader on his site and now regret buying one. Gustard will give you a good improvement.