DAC that compete with EMM M3 and playback design m6

I like the sound of AMR cd 77.1 but these are far and few available. What I have heard on line with both Meitner M3 and Playback design m6/8 is a similar sound. Very open analog sounding. 

playback designs is just $$$ way out of reach. The Meitner is closer but at around 7k is just not in the cards. Looking for recommendations of similar sound quality without spending an arm and leg. I currently own a Cary 306/200 cd player and have enjoyed it and have thought about looking for a Cary 306 professional model


Showing 1 response by bigkidz

Send your Cary to me for upgrading.  Last two we upgraded sounded amazing and may actually be better than the DACs you are looking at.  We build a 101D DHT tube DAC and it competes with ours.  I liked it so much, I purchased one for myself!  Over 100 parts go into the CDP and way under your budget.
