DAC Output 192/16 vs. 192/24 Will I Hear A Difference

I am planning on purchasing a DAC in the near future and although I have done
some research, I am not clear on some of the technical aspects. I will be streaming
Qobuz from a Node 2i to an external DAC.

With Qobuz, will there be a difference in audio quality with a DAC that outputs
192/16 vs. 192/24? If there is a difference, will it be audible?
I am not interested in DSD.

Showing 1 response by jazzman7

In my opinion, the bit depth is actually probably more important than the sample rate with respect to delivering SQ, all things being equal. So I wouldn’t want my bit depth limited to 16 bits, although I could easily live with a sample rate that tops out at 192.