Dac or Power regen, which gets the better cable?

I have fairly decent power cords on all my components (Virtual Dynamics). I have a new PC coming in which will allow me to swap a better power cord out on either my DAC or PS audio regen. Which would it make most sense to put the better PC on? My brain is sayin the DAC…thoughts?


Showing 3 responses by sns

In short run guess I'd pick dac, over the long run all pc important, weak link is weak link. I have heard differences with pc on power conditioners, and yes, they feed everything so need to pass much current.

I'd bet best VD power cord on every component would be better yet. Weak links are still weak links, just altering where you place them, hoping weakest link is on least important component. I gave up on this way of thinking over time, now I just bite the bullet and put the best cabling on everything.

@mceljo I leave it to posters to decide what's best for them, just going with the wave. My use of best in regard to my own setup is used in same manner.


Yeah, using best as objective term in this subjective endeavor is a fools errand.