For the longest time, I believed that the best preamplifier is no preamplifier.  Eliminating a component from the audio chain would yield less distortion & greater purity.

Recently, I have had reason to re-think my logic on the matter - and I am (I think) changing my mind.  Better said, assuming that the preamplifier in the component you are using (in my case, a DAC) can produce 95% or greater quality sound compared to the preamplifier component, then no preamplifier is the best option.  The 5% represents the (estimated) loss of fidelity in adding another set of interconnects.

That said, most DACs do not have an outstanding preamplifier built in.  I think most have average passive attenuators, and the better DACs have active preamplifiers that are very good - but not as good as a quality preamplifier.

What are your thoughts?




Preamp.  I tried direct with PS Audio, Bricasti M3 (loved the volume control) and a few others. Currently running a Bricasti M1 SII through a Cary SLP-05 and love it.  Tried direct and as good as the Bricasti is adding the Cary back into the path added a little soul back into the sound.  Might be mental or just really like the Cary but I think the pre is a good addition.  

I tried both ways, my Esoteric DAC straight and no preamp vs. into my CAT preamp. The difference was very easy to hear. The DAC comes alive into the preamp, not at all direct, there really was no comparison. IOW, IME if you have a decent preamp, go DAC to preamp. 

I have the Grimm MU1 streamer feeding into a Mola Mola Tambaqui.  I have tried running it direct to my Pass Labs XA30.8 amp versus through my Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse ...and there is a definite improvement going via the preamp.  Don't get me wrong, the sound quality direct to amp is very good....something I thought I could live with...but when you have the chance to compare with a good preamp in the chain, you can't go back!  I originally had the standard Calypso, and the upgrade to the Eclipse is worth the expenditure.  I am considering moving to an integrated amp, but I'm not sure I can get the sound quality I'm getting through my current Calypso Eclipse/Pass Labs pairing.  

@dcevans you running signal thru the preamplifier AND the ( purposefully vague on the specifics ) unique NAIM analog / digital volume control. i use it in a similar way w outboard power amp and agree for the $, footprint and streamer/DAC function hard to beat.

in my reference system, i come down on the side of preamp in chain wins…but i have heard a few where that was not the case… sadly, extended listening is imo the only way to know….

I would never run my system without a GOOD preamp.

To me it's like the secret ingredient that ties everything together, like corn starch in a sauce. 

But, you need a very good preamp and to me it makes sense if you have to budgetise to have a preamplifier that costs more than the power amp(s). It has even more impact on the sound (provided the amps have enough current and power to drive the speakers).