For the longest time, I believed that the best preamplifier is no preamplifier.  Eliminating a component from the audio chain would yield less distortion & greater purity.

Recently, I have had reason to re-think my logic on the matter - and I am (I think) changing my mind.  Better said, assuming that the preamplifier in the component you are using (in my case, a DAC) can produce 95% or greater quality sound compared to the preamplifier component, then no preamplifier is the best option.  The 5% represents the (estimated) loss of fidelity in adding another set of interconnects.

That said, most DACs do not have an outstanding preamplifier built in.  I think most have average passive attenuators, and the better DACs have active preamplifiers that are very good - but not as good as a quality preamplifier.

What are your thoughts?




Showing 1 response by mashif

I recently made a change in my system. I purchased a Schiit Kara preamp. It’s specs are excellent and it’s as transparent as anything I’ve heard. You can switch between passive and active. In passive mode only the relay controlled resister ladder volume control is the only thing in the path. 

With balanced connections my DAC has enough output for the amp. I’ve listened in both passive and active and there’s no obvious difference other than volume control setting. But it’s new and I’m still listening.